Sunday, September 30, 2012

Q & A.

Q: What exactly is Domestic Violence and how do you know that you are  a part of a

Domestically Violent relationship?

A: Domestic Violence is any physical, emotional, or physcal abuse inflicted on an individual by a

spouse or family memeber within the same household. Signs that you are in a Domestically Abusive

relation ship include a great number of things such as

  • threats to hurt you or loved ones.
  • constant put downs, name calling. etc
  • isolation: cutting you off from family and friends.
  • total control of you and your possesions: money, phone, social life.

Q: If the domestice violence situation is so bad, why do victims return or stay with their abusers?

A: Victims often stay with their abusers because they don't know how to get out and who to turn to.

Another reason they stay in the relationship is the fear that if they leave or attempt to leave the abuse

will either get worse or that they will be killed. The abuser often points out that it is the victim's

fault and that they caused the abuse to start. Victims are often brain-washed into the mindstate that

they cannot survive on their own and that they need their partner to make it.

Friday, September 28, 2012


 Domestic Violence at Home


                                             The Effects of Domestic Violence in School.

“Precious” the Movie

Domestic violence is fact of many families’ lives that unfortunately many children have to deal with. As represented in the movie“Precious”, actress Gabourey Sidibe plays the character Precious Jones, an abused, illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child from her father. In the movie, Precious lives with her mother, Mary, who is violent toward her through the majority of her life. The abuse Precious faces at home is translated into her academic performance at school. She is sixteen years old reading at a third grade level. Along with her academic problems, the abuse Precious endures at home also enables her to act out toward her classmates. In the top clip, Precious translates her frustration into violence against a student in her class when that student refers to Precious as fat. The constant abuse she faces by her mother desensitizes her to violence itself. If her own mother does that, why would it not be okay for her to do that? This is an issue that many children face today. Being exposed to such violence in the home can make a child act out in school. It can make a child feel that reacting in such a manner is normal and believe that violence is the only way to deal with frustration, anger, and any type of interpersonal conflict. As Precious represents, there is a chance to remove violence in school if you are removed from violence at home. Besides, everything we learn starts in the family.

Popular Article #2

Philadelphia Inquirer 
So what is Domestic Violence? Domestic Violence is the act of violence or abuse causing physical harm to another in the same household. In a graph of statistics taken by the NCAVP (National Coalition for Anti-Violence Program) on reported domestic violence cases taken throughout 1998-2002, it showed the steady rise of violence. The largest percentage of reported domestic violence were of white decent, the second largest being Latino, and thirdly African-American.  More recent statistics show that women are the more common victims of domestic violence. Studies show that men who witnessed their parents’ domestic disputes or violence are twice as likely to abuse their own families. These incidents leave the victims and children of the victims brutally scared mentally if not physically as well. In this article out of the Philadelphia Inquirer, an anonymous poll was taken by Philadelphia Educators, showing how many in our society are affected by this violence and how they were able to make a better outcome of life by escaping and overcoming it.
                As noted, this investigation of domestic violence was taken by an anonymous poll. This poll that was taken showed that 1/3 of them, as children, had been victims of a type of abuse at home. This information was taken to make them aware of what they had come through and how many of their students were coming into the building carrying the same baggage that they once held. The speaker encouraged them to use their past experiences to teach the kids how to develop their Resilience and self-confidence. The encouragement to share their knowledge, experience, and methods of overcoming life’s uphill battle was to hopefully breed a stronger, wiser generation.  The seven-day study brought to light numerous unreported violent acts across the district. Reporting brought news of how over 30,000 serious incidents in the past 5 years were barely addressed if at all. This large number of unaddressed violent incidents is alarming and a step in the wrong direction if the district wants to decrease the violence and provide students with a safe and reliable place or person to turn to. All too commonly, violence that takes place in the home with domestic disputes of family members, are witnessed by the children who learn the violence and act out in other environments.
                In conclusion, the main point being, witnessed domestic violence does leave scars. The physical scars of the victim may heal but the mental scars stick with you. It is something that can positively affect someone or negatively. A Positive affect  being building the person up to be an even stronger individual and coming to the aid of another. Domestic violence can of course have its more negative effects than just the act itself. It leaves way to breed another generation of a domestically violent person and continue the vicious cycle that has already begun. Domestic violence ends with the speaking out about it, research in finding the main causes of this epidemic, and an easier, healthier way for the victim to get out and get help. 

Bibliogrphy (Website URL's)


In the poem Tommy’s Daddy by Rebecca, Tommy is in the first grade dealing with the surroundings of domestic violence. His father beats on his mother and if he tells he will get hit as well. This poem ties into the main idea of domestic violence and the affect it has on school violence. Tommy got mad when the teacher asked him about his dad. After telling his story to the class everyone realized that their dad isn’t like that. So by kids being kids the children are going to ask Tommy about his situation and some may even tease him due to the fact that he is different than all the rest. Even though the poem doesn’t talk about Tommy’s reaction after he told his story I’d assume Tommy would get angry which may lead to a fight. If Tommy got mad because his teacher asked him about his dad, how do you think he would react when someone talks about his dad? By Tommy being surrounded by the constant act of violence he may hit someone without thinking because when you are around something long enough you sometimes pick the trait up without even realizing it. Tommy is also at an impressionable age where anything could be running through his mind. Yea first graders should know right from wrong, but kids look up to their parents and do what they do which reflects on their surroundings.




Poem URL

Popular Article #1

Metro Family Magazine
  There are different phases of domestic violence that attribute to one huge problem not only affecting the victims of the violence but the people that are surrounded by the lifestyle of violence. The children who are affected by violence in a sense of receiving it or even witnessing it are among the group that’s most affected by this surrounding act because they are the most impressionable. If they are getting beat they may later grow up thinking its ok to beat their children or if the witness a family member or someone in their neighborhood gets abused, they may later think it’s normal to put your hands on someone when they feel the need to. That act violence the children are surrounded by when later brings that outside of their home or neighborhood because they are used to seeing it and that’s all they know. “Children of conflicted marriages or troubled relationships are at risk for adjustment problems, including academic, emotional, behavioral, and even physical health” (So-Lloyd 1). Every single one of those problems that children with troubled relationships are at risk for has a major impact on their school environment and the violence behind it. Children who have adjustment problems have a problem coping with the environment around them. So by having this problem the child is not going to feel comfortable and more and likely hang with minimum people and always be on a high alert. One sign or feeling of discomfort may trigger them off which could lead to a fight in school. It’s like a skunk when they feel threatened they are going to spray. Academics play a key role in school violence because it’s a sensitive subject for some children. Struggling academically is stressful especially for the children that try hard but it just doesn’t click for them. So when someone calls that kid out or make a comment about their academic status they are more and likely going to want fight because that’s a touchy subject and no one wants to be called dumb no matter how much they may try to hide it. Another key factored mentioned is the idea of having behavioral issues. If you are surrounded by a dysfunctional background with bickering parents, family member or even neighbors, it’s going to have effect on you. By being around such chaos such as violence it’s going to affect you in a couple of ways. One, the child may think its ok to put their hands on someone when they get made so that trait will later follow them to school. When someone makes them made they are going to fight them because where they are from its normal to hit or fight someone when they do or say something you don’t like.   

SO-Lloyd, G. (n.d.). The Effects on Children of Domestic Violence. - MetroFamily Magazine. Retrieved 
     September 26, 2012, from                   

Article URL