Domestically Violent relationship?
A: Domestic Violence is any physical, emotional, or physcal abuse inflicted on an individual by a
spouse or family memeber within the same household. Signs that you are in a Domestically Abusive
relation ship include a great number of things such as
- threats to hurt you or loved ones.
- constant put downs, name calling. etc
- isolation: cutting you off from family and friends.
- total control of you and your possesions: money, phone, social life.
Q: If the domestice violence situation is so bad, why do victims return or stay with their abusers?
A: Victims often stay with their abusers because they don't know how to get out and who to turn to.
Another reason they stay in the relationship is the fear that if they leave or attempt to leave the abuse
will either get worse or that they will be killed. The abuser often points out that it is the victim's
fault and that they caused the abuse to start. Victims are often brain-washed into the mindstate that
they cannot survive on their own and that they need their partner to make it.
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